This is a satirical portrayal of Donald Trump's ascent to power and his unconventional alliance with Vladimir Putin. Trump, depicted as egotistical and emotionally stunted since childhood, transitions from real estate to reality TV before entering politics. He...
Part 3: Interview with Authors of “Fenix and the Firework Fliers: A Dance-It-Out Creative Movement Story”
Introducing “Fenix and the Firework Fliers” by Once Upon a Dance, Christine Herbert and Scott Partridge Embark on a thrilling adventure with Fenix, a brave firefly, determined to aid Bolt, a grounded Firework Flier. Together, they journey to the towering heights of...
EDEN by Jamie Lisa Forbes
About the Book: Rowen Hart has been raised as the pampered son and only child of a prominent family in the small community of White Rock, North Carolina. It's the 1950s and he's drifting through the days, following the life path his parents have planned for him and...
Lonely Riders by Michael D. Dennis
About the Book: "Lonely Riders" is a gripping novel by Michael D. Dennis set in Los Angeles, following the tumultuous life of Kyle Whalen. Kyle, a hustler and part-time cook, finds love and chaos with Elise Minor, but their world unravels when tragedy strikes and...
Ride the Snake Road: Beamo Roamer’s Hardcore Jaunt to the Wasteland by LeRoy Wow
About the Book: Ride The Snake Road is a science fiction novel that tells the story of scavenge man Beamo Roamer. Beamo gets his eyes on an ancient military map that shows the location of the Lost Fort Knox gold but then gets captured by a ruthless motorcycle gang....
Soulscapes by Lee Woodman
About the Book: Soulscapes, the fifth volume in Lee Woodman's "scapes" series, is an exploration of the way we reach for godliness or soul in our lives and relations. As a seeker who admits, discovers, and ponders all gods, the poet has been influenced by aspects of...
CATS: True Tails And Life Lessons From A Furry Companion by Pamela Wallin
About the Book: Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion is an affectionate and insightful exploration of the deep connections between cats and their human companions. Through a series of personal stories, interviews with cat owners, facts, anecdotes, and...
These Things Happen: A Novel by Michael Eon
Book Summary: Daniel Zimmer will do almost anything to end his pain—except for the one thing that might work. Growing up in 1970s Brooklyn under the shadow of his tyrannical father and against the backdrop of the Son of Sam murders, the Karen Ann Quinlan tragedy, and...
Clean Sweep: A Novel by E. B. Lee
Book Summary: Retirement was supposed to bring her time to relax. Instead, she would find a purpose. Selling her Madison Avenue ad agency for billions, Carli Morris, the self-assured career woman, pursues her love of art and spends her spare hours volunteering. But...
Mary Whitcombe by Valerie Nifora
Book Summary: It's the turn of the 19th century, and Mary Whitcombe lives in blissful ignorance of the wider world. An orphan born into wealth, her guardian sends her away to a convent, where she grapples with the abrupt transition from opulent living to the austere...