Book Summary:

Poet William Stephen Edwards is a professor and a pathologist, a hippy and a Vietnam veteran, a lover, a cowboy, an explorer…a chronicler of life from his side of it. The poems in Shadows, as a collection, stretch and dive through a multitude of subjects, gathering the feelings and thoughts tumbling from Edwards and born of distinct experiences in his life.

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About the Author:

Mr. Edwards is 71 years old. Raised on dryland cotton farm in West Texas. B.A. English, Tex. Tech. U. 1965. Decorated Vietnam veteran, M.S. Speech/Language Pathology and Audiology, Tech Tex U. 1972. Divorced, two daughters. Currently retired as a Speech/Language Pathologist in Austin, TX

“Poets are truthsayers. They give us the world in a mirror of words. Words must be bound with caring discipline, else, like children, else they run amok”.