Book Summary: What would you say if I told you there are disturbing things the US Government hasn’t told you about the Vietnam War and doesn’t want you to know? Things such as all the rainbow-colored pesticides and the disabling effect they had on US service...

Lesath by A. M. Kherbash
Book Summary: Amateur journalist Greg travels to a remote mountain area to investigate rumors of a sinister building only to find himself imprisoned there. As he tries to escape, he evinces symptoms of a strange affliction, and struggles to remain conscious while...

Journey To Healing—The Art and Science of Applied Kinesiology by Dr. Eugene Charles
Book Summary: True health is not simply the absence of disease. It is a state of being in which the miraculous physical and mental forces that make us human work together in proper balance. True health allows us to be ourselves and live every day at our own personal...

The Secret Life of Mrs. London: A Novel by Rebecca Rosenberg
Book Summary: San Francisco, 1915. As America teeters on the brink of world war, Charmian and her husband, famed novelist Jack London, wrestle with genius and desire, politics and marital competitiveness. Charmian longs to be viewed as an equal partner who put her own...

Making Your Amazon Book Page Shine
Too many authors make the mistake of just releasing their book on Amazon and then moving directly into promotion, marketing, and selling. However, a professional Amazon book page can make the difference between a “visit” and a “sale.” Amazon provides a number of tools...